Monday 28 March 2016

Thermodynamics in reaction equilibrium

The conversion in a chemical reaction depends on many factors like temperature, pressure, composition etc. with the help of Le Chatelie'r principle we can analyze the qualitative effect (increase or decrease) of various parameters on conversion. But with the help of thermodynamics we can see the effects of these parameters quantitatively on the conversion and can analyse the feasibility of a reaction at a particular operating condition. The kinetics of a reaction is also an important parameter for the consideration of feasibility of a reaction that is studied in chemical reaction engineering. After studying the chemical reaction equilibria from thermodynamics point of view, the following points can be considered
1.    When there is no product present, the reaction proceeds in the direction of formation of products. That means we can increase the conversion by removing the products continuously. That can be done by using a permselective membrane or some adsorbent which will reduce the concentration of the product and the conversion will increase without much changes in operating conditions. Can we increase the decomposition of H2O into H2 and O2 by using membrane or adsorbent  

   2.  The presence of inert also influences the conversion. The presence of inert will increase the conversion if the reaction is accompanied by an increase in the number of moles. For example the decomposition of H2O into H2 and O2 will increase in the presence of inert materials.

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