Wednesday 2 March 2016

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics questions

Here are some question from first & second laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic properties.
1.    Two moles of an ideal gas from an initial state of 150°C and 1 bar is compressed isobarically to 70°C reversibly. Calculate ΔU, ΔH, Q and W for the process. If the process is carried out irreversibly but so as to accomplish exactly the same changes of state, calculate ΔU, ΔH, Q and W if it is carried out with an efficiency of 80%.  Take CP=(5/2)R
2.  Entropy is a state function, should not depend on the path taken, yet entropy change is different for reversible and irreversible paths (Clausius inequality). Give the proper justification of these statements.
3. A heat engine absorbs 250 kJ of heat from a source at 350 K and rejects heat to two cold reservoirs at 300 K and 275 K. If the heat rejected to 300 K is 100 kJ, calculate the maximum work done by the engine.                                       
4.  One mole of an ideal gas Cp=7/2R is compressed adiabatically in a piston-cylinder device from 2 bar and 25°C to 8 bar. The process is irreversible and requires 35% more work than a reversible, adiabatic compression from the same initial state to the final pressure. What is the entropy change of the gas?       
5.    The equation of state of a certain substance is given by the expression V= (RT/P - C/T3)and the specific heat is given by the relation Cp=A+BT, where A, B and C are constants. Derive the expression for the changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy for constant volume process. 
6.  A gas obeying the following equation of state P(V − b) = RT is subjected to a Joule-Thomson expansion. Will the temperature increase, decrease, or remain the same? The Joule-Thomson coefficient is given by  (dT/dP)h

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