Tuesday 7 February 2017

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: Questions

    3. The change in internal energy for an isothermal expansion of a real gas is greater than, less than or  equal  to 0

4. Is it possible in a cycle a heat interaction of 50 kJ from one reservoir and 50 kJ of work transfer?

5. Work done in a clockwise cycle is work done by system or work done on the system i.e. +ve/-ve.

6. Under what condition ΔV=0 and W≠0 and  ΔV≠0 and W=0.

7. How would you calculate the work done for an irreversible process?

8. Effect of temperature on melting point of water

9. Entropy change for irreversible adiabatic expansion process greater than, less than or equal to 0.

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