Tuesday 21 February 2017

Chemical Engineering: Great Opportunities Ahead

Chemical Engineering is the skill to scale up the operation from a laboratory to the plant. It is about converting material from its raw form to useful products in an economic and environmental friendly way. The job of a chemical engineer is to optimize and control the various parameters in the process like temperature, pressure, flow rate, composition; that affect the process, and design various equipments used in chemical industries.
In this scenario, there are lots of opportunities for a chemical engineer, like to fulfill the demand of energy (Petroleum industries, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy), environment challenges (air and water pollution, waste management), Pharmaceutical industries, Fertilizer Industries, Food Industries, Plastic Industries etc. Chemical branch seems to have a great scope in future.

A chemical engineer studies courses like  Chemical process calculation, Fluid flow, Heat and Mass transfer, Thermodynamics, Chemical reaction engineering, chemical technology, process and plant design, Process modeling and simulation etc.

There are various public sector units that hire chemical engineers like
In addition to engineering jobs there are opportunities for research in this stream like R&D units of refineries, BARC and various labs like CSIR, NCL.

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