Tuesday 28 March 2017

Thermodynamics Properties of solution

The thermodynamic properties of solution can be estimated from either ideal gas behavior or ideal solution. The deviation corresponds to ideal gas is termed as residual properties while deviation from ideal solution is termed as excess properties.
the solution to behave as ideal gas should follow the relation for any component:
partial molar volume = molar volume of pure = RT/P
while for ideal solution: partial molar volume = molar volume of pure
the condition for ideal solution is less restrictive than ideal gas behavior i.e components of similar physical properties or present in excess form ideal solution.
The fugacity for ideal solution can be calculated using Lewis Randall rule when the component is in excess. but for other component which has low composition follows Henry's law. and in between the real solution properties should be calculated using fugacity coefficient and activity coefficient.
as shown in figure, solution behaves according to Henry's Law when xi <= 0.1, and follows Lewis Randall  rule when xi >= 0.9.

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