Thursday 7 July 2016

Process Calculation: Absolute, Relative and Percentage Humidity

Humidity is a term to represent amount of water vapor in air. It is used in evaporative cooling, to tell weather conditions etc.
Absolute Humidity refers to amount of water vapor present in dry air. This value doesnt provide much information about the condition of air. Like absolute humidity of 0.5, air will have different conditions in summer and winter. We cant tell how close to saturation value.
 To get more information about air condition, we use relative humidity: ratio of amount of water vapor present to the amount of water vapor present if air is saturated with water at that temperature. RH = w(H2O)/w(H2O)sat For example relative humidity of 0.5 shows 50 % water vapor is present as compared to saturated air.
Percentage humidity: Ratio of absolute humidity to absolute humidity at saturation condition. It is slightly less than relative humidity.
PH: [w(H2O)/w(air)]/[w(H2O)/w(air)]sat

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