Thursday 28 July 2016

Mechanical Operation

Mechanical Operation is a part of unit operation. It has wide applications from the point of view of chemical engineering. In mechanical operation, there are various operations, that are used in chemical engineering. In this, we study the operations involving solid particles with or without fluid. 
It involves studies regarding particle properties like size and shape of particles, particle size distribution, particle size reduction, separation of different size particles according to size using screens, separation of different particles using elutriation and classification, filtration, fluidisation, transportation of solids using conveyor. .  

Thursday 7 July 2016

Process Calculation: Absolute, Relative and Percentage Humidity

Humidity is a term to represent amount of water vapor in air. It is used in evaporative cooling, to tell weather conditions etc.
Absolute Humidity refers to amount of water vapor present in dry air. This value doesnt provide much information about the condition of air. Like absolute humidity of 0.5, air will have different conditions in summer and winter. We cant tell how close to saturation value.
 To get more information about air condition, we use relative humidity: ratio of amount of water vapor present to the amount of water vapor present if air is saturated with water at that temperature. RH = w(H2O)/w(H2O)sat For example relative humidity of 0.5 shows 50 % water vapor is present as compared to saturated air.
Percentage humidity: Ratio of absolute humidity to absolute humidity at saturation condition. It is slightly less than relative humidity.
PH: [w(H2O)/w(air)]/[w(H2O)/w(air)]sat

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Chemical Engineer: An Enterpreneur

Now a days, there are large no of small industries that can be started related to chemical engg. For example one is oil extraction and cattle feed from cotton seed. In this there are conveyors to carry material, a machine to extract oil by squeezing it and refinery to purify oil.The single unit starts around 10 lacs. There are other small industries also like paper plates, plastic glass and various other industries.

Monday 4 July 2016

Application based Education

In school, I was taught various subjects. After my 10th I opted science, then I thought why did I study social science, sanskrit. It seemed to be useless. But one thing that I understands every subject has its own significance like math improves calculation, ablity to strike the problem faster, social science and sanskrit improves memorization.
But one thing I coulnt undrrstand that likein maths tthere is matrix, differentiation and integration. I was not told their applications. Like matrix is used to solve simultaneous equations, usrd zo enter data in computation like in matlab, intergration is used to find the solution when we have to consider a differential elements. Like these applications can enhance the learning abilities of students.