Friday 7 November 2014

Process Calculation questions

1.        5 marks questions
a)        At 360 K the vapour pressure of n-heptane and toluene are 71.2 kPa and 48.9 kPa respectively. Determine the composition of the liquid and vapour in equilibrium at 360 K and 65 kPa for ideal mixture.
b)      SO2 reacts with O2 to form SO3. If the reaction is carried out with 50% excess air, but reaction goes 60% completion. Calculate mol fraction of gases in reactants and products.
c)      If 50 kg of dry solid containing 6% water is obtained by drying 65 kg of wet material, what was the initial moisture content?
2.         10 marks questions
a)      A triple effect evaporator is used to concentrate 1000 kg of aqueous solution from a concentration of 20% solute to 80% solute. Assuming an equal amount of vaporization in each effect, calculate the composition and weight of solution entering the second and third effects.
b)        A continuous distillation column is used to regenerate solvent for use in a solvent extraction unit. The column treats 200 kmol/h of a feed containing 10% (mol %) ethyl alcohol and rest water. The overhead product (89 % alcohol) is sent to the extraction unit and bottom product (0.3% alcohol) is wasted. What is the daily requirement of make-up alcohol in the solvent extraction unit?
c)         The gaseous reaction A→2B+C takes place isothermally in a constant pressure reactor. The feed mixture containing 50% A and the rest inert materials, the ratio of final to initial volume is found to be 1.8. Find the percent conversion of A
d)   A feed of 100 kmol/h of air is to be partially separated by membrane. Calculate the amounts of two products (retentate and permeate) for the following cases: i) 50% recovery of O2 to the permeate and 87.5% recovery of N2 to the Retentate ii) 50% recovery of O2 to the permeate and 50 mol% purity of O2 in the permeate


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