Friday 30 March 2018

Simulation using Excel

Excel can be used to solve simulation problems. like gravity flow tank
write the mass balance and equation of motion as:

with the dimensions of tanks and pipe and initial conditions, the variables are flow rate f (or velocity v) and height h, and we have two equations to solve.
steps to solve:
1. with the initial conditions find the derivatives dh/dt and dv/dt
2. calculate the new values of h and v by using the definition of derivative i.e.
v2 = v1 + dt*dv/dt
h2 = h1+dt*dh/dt
3. with new values calculate the derivatives
4. caluclate the new values of the variables
5. repeat till  the values we get converged values.

Partial and Total Condenser

In Distillation the vapor from the top are condensed and re-fluxed it to the top tray to have the contact between liquid (low temperature) and vapor (comparatively higher temperature). The product from the top can be taken as liquid or vapor:
if the product is liquid, the condenser is called total condenser;
if the product is vapor then it is partial condenser.
Total condenser: the vapor phase composition is same as the liquid phase composition as all the vapors are condensed, the amount of the components is same. 
Partial condenser: the vapor and liquid are in equilibrium. this will act as an additional tray for the separation. the vapor will be enrich in more volatile component