Tuesday 5 January 2016

Applications of the various Subjects in Chemical Engineering

1.      Process Calculation:
This subject deals with material balance, energy balance. In any chemical industry, we have to find the amount of raw materials needed to get the required desired product and how much heat is needed to get the desired operating conditions
      2.      Fluid Flow and Mechanical Operation(Fluid and Particle Mechanics):
In any chemical industry, the fluid and solid has to be transported from one place to another. These subjects deal with properties of fluid and solid, their transportation (devices, energy), solid particles size reduction and separation.
       3.      Heat Transfer:
 In any chemical industry, in order to get the desired operating temperature, we have to analyse the amount of heat transfer. In this subject, we study the different modes of heat transfer and various devices like heat exchanger, evaporators.
4. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
In this subject, we study about the various properties of the components, like its Gibbs Free energy, Work, Enthalpy, lost work, conditions to optimise the process.