Friday 19 June 2015

Education: Base of Society

In India, competition is increasing day by day, though the development is not in that ratio. The students are working harder to get into jobs, the level of the entrance has been increased a lot, though the output is same. Like to get into PSUs or high paying companies, the candidates are preparing much harder as compared to 5-10 years ago, but the improvement in technology or innovations are not according to the efforts.
The reason behind this may be in my views:
1. The candidates do very hard work till they get the job and after getting the job their hard work slows down.
2. The students passing out from IITs and other good institutes, dont prefer to go in their core sectors. The government is expanding so much money on their education and they are earning money for other countries.
3. In India, many teachers are not interested in teaching and the students also are not interested in studying their core courses.
Many of the great technologies are taken from other countries. The students should know their interest and then get into that field.
If one gets into IAS, thats a very big achievement, but if he is a doctor or engineer, he has wasted one slot for the one who could have done great in that field.
In engineering curriculum, there should be video lectures about current technologies, quizzes to tackle the problems which occur in industries, videos about the manufacturing of products.
To choose a field, one should not think what is having more scope in society, he should think what kind of interest he has.The guidance should be available at high school to choose a suitable field. When a student chooses a field, his thoughts should revolve around his field.